On Saturday 22 September 2012 The Sydney Morning Herald published an opinion piece by Australia21 Director Ian Dunlop, on the climate change emergency which is upon us, under the headline Four-degree rise demands 90-degree rethink.
The piece as printed by SMH can be accessed here.
As the piece submitted by Ian was edited down to fit it into the available
space, we bring you the full text below.
Change – Emergency Leadership Needed Now
Ian Dunlop
The latest evidence on climate change demands a radical
reappraisal of our approach.
The Arctic has been warming 2-3 times faster than the rest of the
world. In the last few weeks melting of the Arctic sea ice has accelerated
dramatically, reducing the area and volume to levels never previously
experienced. Some 80% of the summer
sea-ice has been lost since 1979; on current trends the Arctic will be ice-free
in summer by 2015, and ice-free all year by 2030, events which were not
expected to occur for another 100 years. More concerning, the Greenland ice
sheet this year has seen unprecedented melting and glacial ice calving, adding
to a trend which will substantially increase sea level rise.
Beyond the Arctic, the world is in the fifth year of a severe food
crisis, largely climate change driven, which is about to become far worse as
the full impact of recent extreme drought in the US food bowl works its way
through the global food chain, leading to price rises from which Australia will
not be immune. Drought around the Mediterranean
contributed to this food crisis, and has played a large part in triggering the
Arab Spring, and the Syrian conflicts. Globally, the escalation of extreme
weather continues.
Science is clearly linking these events to climate change, with
human carbon emissions as the prime cause.
Does any of this matter? Yes – It is the most urgent issue now
confronting Australia and the world, for the evidence indicates that climate
change has moved into a new and highly dangerous phase. The polar icecaps are
one of the vital regulators of global climate; if the ice disappears, the
absorption of far more solar radiation accelerates ocean warming, with
increasing risk of large-scale release of carbon dioxide and methane from
melting permafrost. This in turn may initiate irreversible runaway warming. Energy,
food and water security are also poised on a knife-edge in both the developed
and developing worlds
These changes are occurring at the 0.8oC temperature
increase, relative to pre-industrial conditions, already experienced, let alone
the additional 1.2oC which will probably result from our historic
emissions. The “official” target, of limiting temperature increase to no more
than 2oC, is way too high.
Current policies, such as our Clean Energy Future package, are far worse
and would result in a 4oC plus temperature increase. Official
panaceas, such as carbon capture and storage, are not working.
Australian political and business leaders glibly talk about
adapting to a 4oC world with little idea of what it means – which is
a world of 1 billion people rather than the current 7 billion, with Australia
being severely affected. Not much fun
for the 6 billion departing.
To paraphrase Churchill: “--- the era of procrastination, of
half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a
close. We are now in an age of consequences”. We know how to establish a
genuine low-carbon economy, which would stave off the worst impacts of climate
change, but we have left it too late for gradual implementation. It has to be
set up at emergency speed, akin to the mobilization of economies on a
war-footing pre-WW2.
Yet we hear nothing of this from the political, business or NGO
institutions who should be leading our response. Why so?
Financial incentives are the main culprit,
in particular the bonus culture which has spread through Australian business
since the early 1990s. Recently there
has been some recognition that this might be a problem. The Chairman of Rio
Tinto acknowledged that “the spiral in executive remuneration over the last two
decades, simply cannot continue”, and chief executives are graciously deciding
to forgo their annual bonuses in the light of adverse corporate performance. Very worthy, but the damage caused by this
culture is far more insidious than a debate about quantum. It threatens the
very foundations of democratic society.
The bonus mentality inevitably led to short-termism – few
directors or executives are prepared to give serious attention to long-term
issues such as climate change when their rewards are based almost entirely on
short-term performance. As Upton Sinclair put it: “It is difficult to get a man
to understand something if his salary depends on him not understanding it”.
Many privately agree that climate change needs far
more urgent action that we are seeing, but few are prepared to speak out for
fear of derailing “business-as-usual”. This is a fundamental failure of
governance – directors have a fiduciary responsibility to objectively assess
the critical risks to which their companies are exposed, and take action to
ensure these risks are adequately managed.
But if they acknowledge climate change as a serious risk, they are bound
to act, which requires a radical redirection of Australian business away from
our addiction to high-carbon coal and gas, our most powerful vested interests
losing out in the process. Better then
to stick to absolute denial, irrespective of the consequences.
This flows through to politicians, NGOs
and the bureaucracy, who are subjected to immense pressure from the corporate
sector not to rock the
“business-as-usual” boat. The
chorus is picked up with vehemence by a compliant media and shock jocks, the
result being politically expedient and contradictory climate policy, which is
building into a disaster for the Australian community.
Ethically and morally indefensible it may
be, but that is what a deregulated market has delivered, and why it is so
dangerous for the health of democracy.
Adversarial politics and corporate myopia
are incapable of addressing life-threatening issues such as climate change. It is time for the community to go around
these barriers and demand leadership prepared to take emergency action, before
the poisoned chalice we are passing to our grandchildren becomes even more
Dunlop is an independent commentator, Fellow of the Centre for Policy
Development, Director of Australia21, and a Member of the Club of Rome. He chaired the Australian Coal Association
1987-88, the Australian Greenhouse Office Experts Group on Emissions Trading
1998-2000 and was CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
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