Monday, May 6, 2013

Club 300

Australia21 is grateful to all of our supporters – those who make regular or one-off donations, those who contribute funds for projects that are of particular importance to them, and those who subscribe to our news updates or follow us on Twitter (@australia_21) or Facebook ( It encourages us to know that there are people who are interested in and support the work that we do.

The past year has been a busy one and, subject to the availability of funds, this is set to continue. As a general overview of Australia21's agenda for the next six months or so:
-  We continue to work on illicit drug law reform through regular commentary and liaison with illicit drug advocacy and support organisations, and we take opportunities as they arise to publicise the vast amount of evidence which supports the need for a move away from prohibition.
-  Our report on a voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide roundtable held in January this year was launched on April 26, by Emeritus Professor The hon. Peter Baume, and we will be continuing to promote understanding of the need for reform in this area.
-  Our report on a transforming Australian landscapes roundtable held in February this year will be launched later this month.
-  We continue to work on our ecosystem services project and will have some exciting announcements on this soon.
-  We are designing a new project, subject to funding, designed to inject into the election campaign a need for our policy debates to consider the longer term issues that are important to our future and that of our children and grandchildren. For this purpose, next month we will release a collection of opinion pieces a diverse range of Australia's leading thinkers. The opinion pieces – all of which are being contributed pro bono – are well on the way, but we need funding to publish the collection and launch it in a way that captures the necessary public attention.
-  We are planning a major youth engagement project for mid year  

These important projects aim to make a positive difference to our country's future. All – with the exception of the ecosystems work – have been developed through donation or sponsorship. We do not receive ongoing operational funding. And this is where Club 300 comes in. We are looking for 300 people who would like to contribute $5 a week – little more than the price of a cup of coffee – so that we can continue this work which is so important for all of us. Just $20 a month would make a huge difference to Australia21's capacity to deliver in the future. This is not meant to be restrictive – if you would like to give more or you would like to give a one off donation please feel free, but if you would like to support us in an ongoing way Club 300 may be for you.

If you would like to become a Club 300 member by committing $20 a month to Australia21, click to make a secure online donation or send a cheque to:
Australia21 Limited
PO Box 3244
Weston ACT 2611.

We rely on your generosity to fund our work. All donations are gratefully received and are tax deductible.

If we reach our target, we will celebrate with an exclusive Australia21 online event for Club 300 members.

We look forward to welcoming you to Club 300.