Friday, June 14, 2013

Placing global change on the Australian election agenda

Next Monday evening 17 June, at the National Press Club in Canberra, Professor Ross Garnaut will launch a booklet of essays published by which draws attention to the global changes which must be urgently addressed by the next government.

Australia21’s Board has become increasingly concerned that a number of grave challenges is being ignored, bypassed or placed in the “too hard” basket, and that there is no sign of this changing as we head into vitally important national elections.

Accordingly, we commissioned the preparation of a series of essays by a multidisciplinary group of Australian experts, most of whom are Fellows, Directors or Associates of Australia 21. They focus on a number of issues that are vital to Australia's future and are being largely or completely ignored by the current political process.

The purpose of the booklet is to provide the basis for dialogue between voters and aspiring politicians during the coming election, that will more adequately address the realities of anthropogenic climate change, population and refugee pressures, the risks to our economy, deteriorating ecosystems and declining agricultural and liquid fuel capacity.

The report will be available for download from our website shortly after it is launched.

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